Working to overcome a difficult relationship with food and your body can be a lonely journey without the right support, guidance and information.
With inspiration from Francesca Eats Roses and based on my own journey to find recovery here are some of the best resources and sources of guidance to help you discover a healthier relationship to food.
1. Podcasts
There are so many comforting and inspiring podcasts out there that tackle diet culture and provide ways to fall back in love with yourself, it was hard to choose! These are just a few of mine and Francesca’s favourites...
One of Francesca’s recommendations and now a firm favourite of my own. Food Psych with Christy Harrison, is a weekly show that is firmly dedicated to breaking down diet culture and provides real affirmation and support for those seeking to make peace with and evolve beyond anxiety around food.
If you’re looking for intuitive eating guidance and inspiration this is the podcast for you. Intuitive bites is a fascinating look into the world of diet culture, batting away our preconceptions about size and value and offering a beautifully positive alternative.
This podcast is a must-listen for anyone struggling to overcome their food demons, especially if you are feeling alone in the struggle. Each week, listener’s letters, written to food are read and answered by a host of incredible and empathetic experts all in a heartwarming and emotionally validating effort to heal our relationships with food and our bodies.
As someone who has struggled for a long time to have compassion for my body, I can’t sing the praises of this particular podcast high-enough. Body Kindness provides a beautiful window into other’s wellbeing journeys to find self-love that will motivate and inspire your own.
2. Books
If you prefer to read rather than listen, there are so many beautifully written and inspiring pieces of literature out there, that will help you to feel part of a community and guide you on the road to a healthier relationship with yourself and the way you eat. These are just a few favourites...
Feeding the Hungry Heart, Geneen Roth
This beautifully written and heart felt book, will strike a deep chord with those like me who have struggled with emotional eating. Made up of 21 fictional and non-fictional short stories, Feeding the Hungry Heart is an emotional exploration of what it’s like to experience an unhealthy relationship to food and the journey it takes to heal.
Radical Acceptance, Tara Brach
Radical Acceptance is an incredible and inspiring read that breaks down our feelings of deficiency and offers guidance and support on how to develop balance in our lives and compassion for ourselves.
When Women Stop Hating Their Bodies, Jane Hirschman & Carol H.Munter
This is an exceptionally empowering read, that demolishes diet culture and sings a loud reminder that our bodies are not the problem. If you want to understand why you might have such negative thoughts about your body, and how to break them down so that food becomes less of a fixation and self-love begins to grow, this is the book for you.
What Goes Down: The End of an Eating Disorder, Callie Bowld
What Goes Down: The End of an Eating Disorder, was a difficult but healing read for me because it struck so close to home. This shocking funny and powerful story offers an intense insight into a woman's life-long battle with anorexia, binge-eating, and bulimia. This is a great source of inspiration for those looking for an honest take on the road to recovery or if you want to know how best to support someone you love who may be going through a struggle with their relationship to food.
3. Social Media
Notorious for fat-shaming and weight loss focused content, turning to social media for support might seem a little counterintuitive but it’s all about who you follow. There are tonnes of wonderful and inspiring spaces, especially on instagram, for guidance and support when it comes to embracing your body and changing the way you eat. The following are just a few of those that myself and Francesca love most:
One of Francesca Eat's Roses, fantastic recommendations, therapist and intuitive eating advocate Tiffany Roe’s instagram channel provides inspiring and supportive guidance on practicing intuitive eating and learning to love you and your body.
This is another recommendation from Francesca that truly resonated with me. Life coach, Kristina Bruce has created a beautiful safe space on instagram to learn about the way out of a self-hating and body shaming head space.
Clinical therapist, Dr Colleen Reichman specialises in ED recovery and posts beautiful quotes and imagery on her instagram channel that provide a comforting reminder that we are more than what we eat and health is available at every size.
Eating disorder specialist Jennifer Rollin, provides another gorgeous instagram space full of affirmations and quotes to support and remind us all we are worth more than our weight.
4. Education
Whether you or a loved one are struggling with self-love and a relationship to food, learning about the psychology behind this and methods of recovery is key to healing. Here are some of the resources myself and my family have found most useful along the road...
If you are interested in learning more about intuitive eating as a path to healing your relationship with food, this is the original and best spot for support, advice and resources on how you can do so. provides great insight into different types of eating disorders and what you can do to support and protect yourself and the people around you who might be struggling.
Beat is the leading UK charity supporting those with eating disorders. This is an important space if you are looking for support with recovery and a community that can help you and/or your loved ones through battling an eating disorder.